That is The greater most Master fu and Pupil Fum the the greater little pupil that me could get. Me and mine pupil Fum had blissfulled lifes on the sacred mosted snowy peaking hills of the niceful Antartica eating so many and many more Reindeer's and them fishes to our heartfull contentment, before as me had telled you all of them earlier that Dearmost God has commanded me and me family of two more humans to descend the peaky snowy hills distressedfully to this warmed up bleaky side of this earth. Now that me is here at thou's servicing, i will once ever again tells you a good moral story with the usage of properly good english : Two of them what is called ants were walking in the side of a tree branch, when one of them clumsy ant falls on the big blackenning and greying back of an big elephant stooding under the tree, so the the ant not so clumsy one which still clinging to the tree branch side called with aloud voice fulled with the anger, "My clumsy friend you ant, crush the elephant" So then the moral of the story in above is that they ants are littlesome creatured people with thoses more littlesome legs, so how in the power of God will ever they smaller ones ants can crush those ones bigsome elephants?
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