The Omen filmy thingies.

Me, myself and master Fu again at your servicing for the goodness sake of the goodest english language. After tolding you such many good moral stories and gooder use of english and also the serious businessing of englishing grammer, now master Fu is tiring and so in today me is going to talked up with you on some thingies here and there also. But it is not the sunday also today that one is and you is relaxationing and not lifting fingers here and there to works, so me master Fu will also be tolding you some bit english along with some bit thingies here and there also. Now tell me have one saw the film that is horrored and have this name of Omen 2, the one which is released this year on 2006? Now what is so horror-ofying about the Omen 2? Nothing to me! The one blue one eyed boy Damien is looked dumbed and looking as one has waked up in morning all the times in the Omen 2 and the one Nanny of the Damien looking dumbest. The priest looking funny. The parents of the Damien boy looking as if not liking the Damien boy from one to last of the film but wanting some maybe dollars for being mother and father to Damien boy in film. The one blacky doggy look exact to exact like my doberman doggy 'Kaptain' the one me had in the snowy peaky hill where me staying when before coming to bleaky plains this side. Blacy doggy not afraiding me either. The fun thingy that boy Damien not killing no one but all killing one and then another. And lastly God me, what the boy doing with presidency in the end holding one hand? This one film Omen 2 is muddling one head of mine of master Fu.
hi! me i donĀ“t speak very well english, but i understand what are you wright, thaks for your visit hehehe.
see you friend
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:36:00 PM
Hey there,
Where are you from? I understand english but I have difficulty understanding what you write...!!!
Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:42:00 PM
Me the great master fu is as me told all before that me is from the snowy peaky hills of antarctica. when you be good in english after having learning from me master fu then God bless you ma'am maryam that God will chosen you to spoke good one english like me. amen.
Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:56:00 PM
Hahaha, cute site. ; )
Friday, June 16, 2006 8:45:00 AM
REALLY NICE ENGLISH DEAR MASTER FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you think?
Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:36:00 AM
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