Da Vinci Code filmy thingies and all!

Me is waiting days and also nights too that when will good peoples writing comments on mine good one english blog in dozens and also tons? But mine good thing is that master Fu does not ever never minds the little lazinesses of peoples but always lookings forwards to good times with optism aheads in the future time for getting commentations. Yesterdays master Fu was boreded and in the boredment went to seeing this good film 'Da Vinci Code' which also all and everyone must be able to see. Mister Tom Hanks the player of the role of one mister Robert Langdon looking all sleepy all of the times as if with the drinking of lots n lots mugs of the Beer. The only one looking all alerts all the times being Silas the hooded monk whose eyes ever poppings out in dismaydom and Sophie also lookings alerted all the times due to peoples trying to kill her and hers already deads grandfather and also mister Lee Teabing lookings the alertest of them most acting bestest walking fastest with four of them legs two of them all steely. mister Robert langdon over actings all the time of being insides the well because of when he was been thrown insides the well or maybe not throwns in but jumpings in the well all by himselves as a small babies. Mine master Fu's and mister Lee Teabing hearts all breakings when the little cryptex in the little box froms the swizz banks breaks open and the vinegar that is put in chinese foods pops outs on the floors so does our tears from ours bright eyes. But mister Robert Langdon was verys smart for once in the films when he take outs the scrolling little paper before mister Lee Teabing saws it. Me, therefores tell all and every ones to sees and saws the good film' Da Vinci Code'.
"master Fu does not ever never minds the little lazinesses of peoples ...."
I hope this is true becuse you sent me a nice email about my blog, "Rock Stars Envy Me" a few weeks ago, and I'm just now getting around to answering. I just wanted to say I really liked your blog, too. Master Fu rocks at English. In fact, you write it better than I write Danish. Please keep up the filmy thingie reviews. I especially like those.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Friday, July 07, 2006 1:56:00 AM
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