going round and round!

Me master Fu is going round and round in this one world to know all and every body and also where and how peoples lives and also how they talks and what the language they speaks. Me went from England where me stays these days after descendind down the peaky snowy hills of Antarctica to America on mine first stopsover. Firstly me checked if they were all of them good in english and to mine satisfactation most of thems were, as most of them were readings and also learnings from my blog the use of good english and also whereall i went to all the nice and bright states of New York, LA, California, Texas, Kansas and so on and on, me finds that all of them Americans knowing me wells and also respecting me The great one master Fu for teaching thems all Good english. Me noted one thing that dismaying my heart that the peoples of America most of thems were so mucher taller then me master Fu as they all eats well good and nice foodies. I master Fu not short because i not eating good foodies but because mine dear father and mother are also shorts in theirs heights but all of us's eating good and nice foodies like Americans peoples. They American peoples were also listen to rocky and jazzy music all of the times makings my ears go all tingly, but me master Fu dont ever minds as me also likes all good musics. Now from there me wents to the place from wheres come the Arabian nights stories which peoples call the UAE. There, me God, me saw tall tall peoples all arounds me wearings robes and all and the ladies also wearings the same but littler different robes and also wearings lots of them Gems and Golds too. Master Fu is so lucky mans to be famous here also as they too people having reading and learning good english from my blog so they all respecting and loving me. They UAE peoples also loving and playing music which also in turn tingling mine ears but me also likings their musics as Americas and also eating good and nice foodies like thems. Now me wents to Asia where comes China, India, Korea, Japan and on and on. One by one master Fu wents to all such countries and by surprise seeing so many of thems different kinds of peoples, some shorts like me's, some of them mediums and some of thems talls, some darkest in colors of they's skins, some mediums in colors and somes of thems very fairer in the colors, thanks to God them all of them mostly speaking good english side by sides speakings theirs own one languages and thanks me master Fu too for their good english as mostly all and everyone reading and learning from mine blog. They all of thems also listening to good musics which in turn again tinglings my ears but me never minding as me also now liking music from all and everywhere. Now after all the travellings me has came to this one conclusions that peoples from all arounds the world have their heights and colors and fats and thins not due to goods or bads foodies eating but because of theirs countries in where they lives due to geographicaly differentiate thingies and also differently weathers of them all places. And mostly most importants of the thingies is that, that Master Fu teaches thems all good englishes. Byes for nows. Sees you alls soon enoughs.
Master Fu it was indeed a pleasure to take a tour of the world with you.
Friday, June 23, 2006 9:07:00 AM
I see that you are continuing your great and hilarious work. I am so happy that you are spreading compassion, tolerance and good english around the globe! xo
Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:23:00 AM
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