People of the world unite! Don't fight.

me, master Fu is all wonderment about the thingies that why people here and there and also everywhere fight, fight and fight all of the times? The one country of the west is fighting with the one country in east and this one country is fighting with one country in south and likewise this one country is fighting with the one country that me sees in the north and also everyone see in the televisions and reading also in them newspapers all of the time wasting ones time and also wasting ones good energy in heads and souls. When me was in Antarctica then no one ever fighting there and all live in peace and good. We, eskimo's loving animals but also eating them but without fighting them. So me and all living in Peace and love. Now me wants to teaching you and all world countries good manners in not fighting with each one and another and maintaining peacedom and wisdom. If people fighting world all over then one finer day all things good be gone for goodness and you and me and all be seen with one eye and one blank eye socket, one leg and one little appendege in place of the other leggy, one hand with three and a half finger and one no hand because there no arm to support, one only kidney as the other goodone kidney going for a six, alas! master Fu don't see no reason why peoples losing good thingies of their bodies when them all can keep thems all things put nice and fine jus by saying no to fight. So me suggest when the nexter time they television peoples showing Fight here and there, then turn off them televisions so their TRP's going to the doggies and they not showing fight no more and only showing programme of Peace and Loves which you all musty see. Then the countries who fighting all the time will have no publicitying and coveraging of their bad wars so they get dismayed and depressed and abandon all wars. Then master Fu will be happiest man and so will all of you and them! One little more suggestion me has is if littlesome fighter-cock peoples say 20% of them still fighting then us the 80% of the world's peace and love loving peoples get together and put them the 20% of fighter-cocks people in some few hired rockets and pack 'em to smaller one planet called little Mars where them all can fight to their little hearts content till all of 'em dropping ......(you know what)! And we the 80% fun filled, happy hearting, peace loving peoples living in Bliss and Joy and Glory!
I have often wondered the same thing (or thingies). You are wise Master Fu.
Monday, June 26, 2006 5:47:00 PM
You quite a fun Master Fu.
Monday, June 26, 2006 6:00:00 PM
I write in English occasionally.
And in Swedish..
And maybe, in the future: in Japanese. Because that is what I study.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:11:00 PM
Pick one or two..
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:27:00 PM
your blog is funny. thanks for visiting my site.
Friday, June 30, 2006 5:43:00 PM
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