The Eye Of God

Me master Fu calls for attention of all peoples in the whole world :All persons great and small, all persons rich or poor, all persons thin or fat, all persons strong or weak, all persons tall or short, all persons powerful or powerless, all persons privileged or underprivileged, all persons healthy or sick, and you a king or a pauper; you all of thems must kept this in your minds that God is watchfully sawing you, me and all of us and them with His Eye from above in the sky. Nexter time when any of all human beings doing something badfull to fellows human beings and to the world then always know that God's Eye is watchfully sawing all actions of us and punish us sooner than later. Same to same is when you, me or us doing goodfull deeds then also God's watchful Eye sawing us and reward us sooner than later. So nexter time when me , you, us and all of thems taking steps towards doing gooder or badder thingies then keeps in ours mind that all actions having equal reaction, not only this one a science law buts is also God's Law. Me sure God watchfully watching all mayhem and bloodshed in this world, where innocent peoples dying every moment of it, then me sure that God knows them perpetrators of this and that and those crimes very wells and God also amusedly taking times to see how mucher badder to worster can peoples become and then He take action accordingly to His Law which me has stated in above.
Me, master Fu wondering all the time when this worlds peoples get sensibler and realize thems mistakes by not hurting each and another, by not at alls killing and bloodshedding of innocent peoples and also poor unspeaking animals, by not at alls bad mouthing peoples and persons.
But, me master Fu is all optimismical in mine thinking and praying to God all of the times that one finner day will come soon when all is welloff with this of ours world and all and everybodys living in peace and love and smiles :)
Oh, I hope so too, Master Fu.
Friday, July 28, 2006 6:33:00 AM
Master Foo!!!!!!!!!!!! That I is scarry!!!!!!!! But I thank you for you're truely Christinane message!!!!! I wanna incurage you're reeder's to walk with JESUS who is not NEARLY as scarry as that I but will keep them on the rite path in a tender and luving way!!!!!!
Friday, July 28, 2006 2:28:00 PM
That is my prayer, too.
Monday, July 31, 2006 12:22:00 PM
Dear Master Fu,
It was one of your nicest posts. I really enjoyed reading it. It is one of my biggest wishes too. And I am sure we'll see that day!
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. What you said was very right!!
Trust in God!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:47:00 PM
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