Pirates of the Caribbean- The curse of the Black Pearl

Me Master Fu and mine family of the three persons wented to see this one film- Pirates of the Caribbean- The curse of the Black Pearl. Now why me went to see this one it beats me. One mr. Barbossa throwing one famous actor mr. Johnny Deppy called mister Jack Sparrow out of his own shippy called Black Pearl because not liking him becoming captain and wanting to himself becoming captain of the same shippy called Black Pearl. Well and good. mister Jack Sparrow is marroned on one island, again well and good. Now mister Jack Sparrow wanting to come backing on his own shippy and wanting to himself becoming captain again, again well and good. One finer day mister Sparrow happens to be reaching this town where mr. Will turner, in real called Orlando Bloom another one famous actor also acting in film- Kingdom of Heaven and also living in this one town is miss. Elizabeth, in real called Kierra Knightly also acting in film- Bend it like Beckham. Them all living peacefully and goodly, again well and good. Now mister Sparrow and all his shippy sailors and also pirates wanting mr. Will Turner's blood to lifting curse from his shippy- Black Pearl so them all undead ones pirates becoming live again; now upto here well and goodsome. Now mine mind is going into tizzy and dizzy and me puking along with mine family of three peoples and also the other peoples in the picture hall, when all pirates becoming all hollow with only rotting flesh and decaying clothes hanging on bones of them pirates! These poorly rotting peoples fighting on the shippy and also in waters of the sea giving me creepies in my hearts and also legs, as me checking my leggies again and then again if mine flesh still holding mine leggies safe and sound. Now is there fun if me and you are again and then again checking your leggies half the time in between also seeing the film? No know? I liking mister Jack Sparrow only that much time when him was in good one health and hearty but enuf is enuf this one good actor mister Johnny Deppy also going decaying by the end of its all, me is thinking that the upto half film good director going all sicky and confusey in the other half of the film. Nonsense! Me wants to tells the director mr. Jerry to make all futurely films of his with whole healthy mens and womens too as there are many of them good whole peoples crowding the world and willing to acts in mr. Jerry's films, me sure. And also he mustly make films on Eskimo peoples who also liking to acts in films as whole and healthy mens and womens with pink of healths and cheeks too. So now that mr. Jerry has made another one film also called Pirates of the Carribean, but half of the name not the sames- Dead mans chest instead of the curse of the Black Pearl; me recommends mr. Jerry to name his next one film- "Pirates of the Carribean- master Fu and them Eskimos". When he mr. Jerry coming to shoot for this one film then us Eskimo peoples feeding him good foods of pudgy seals and salmons and reindeers to makes him happy!
Nice story with a very good English that made it easier to understand!!! ;-)
Monday, July 10, 2006 11:12:00 PM
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