Nobody is born with good english in their own blood. It is upto people like me who are the best in English to bring forwards the goods of english to them people like you are to preach the best of language english to the great and attractive benefit for human kinds and also to tell side by side good character stories binded with the good use of english. So, people enjoy all these benefits while learning the cudgels of good english.

Monday, June 26, 2006

People of the world unite! Don't fight.

me, master Fu is all wonderment about the thingies that why people here and there and also everywhere fight, fight and fight all of the times? The one country of the west is fighting with the one country in east and this one country is fighting with one country in south and likewise this one country is fighting with the one country that me sees in the north and also everyone see in the televisions and reading also in them newspapers all of the time wasting ones time and also wasting ones good energy in heads and souls. When me was in Antarctica then no one ever fighting there and all live in peace and good. We, eskimo's loving animals but also eating them but without fighting them. So me and all living in Peace and love. Now me wants to teaching you and all world countries good manners in not fighting with each one and another and maintaining peacedom and wisdom. If people fighting world all over then one finer day all things good be gone for goodness and you and me and all be seen with one eye and one blank eye socket, one leg and one little appendege in place of the other leggy, one hand with three and a half finger and one no hand because there no arm to support, one only kidney as the other goodone kidney going for a six, alas! master Fu don't see no reason why peoples losing good thingies of their bodies when them all can keep thems all things put nice and fine jus by saying no to fight. So me suggest when the nexter time they television peoples showing Fight here and there, then turn off them televisions so their TRP's going to the doggies and they not showing fight no more and only showing programme of Peace and Loves which you all musty see. Then the countries who fighting all the time will have no publicitying and coveraging of their bad wars so they get dismayed and depressed and abandon all wars. Then master Fu will be happiest man and so will all of you and them! One little more suggestion me has is if littlesome fighter-cock peoples say 20% of them still fighting then us the 80% of the world's peace and love loving peoples get together and put them the 20% of fighter-cocks people in some few hired rockets and pack 'em to smaller one planet called little Mars where them all can fight to their little hearts content till all of 'em dropping ......(you know what)! And we the 80% fun filled, happy hearting, peace loving peoples living in Bliss and Joy and Glory!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Chicken Bird Flu.

How much master Fu loved chicken

Rosted, broasted or just plain fried on a pan in the Kitchen.

Me would eat the chicken day and night,

whether it be breakfast, lunch or to Dine.

Then one fine day the chickens of the world decide,

that no more would master Fu or the world could have their meats slice.

So they all of them sat in big buckets of ice,

and soon enough they caught Flu, running nosies & tears running from their eyes.

Now master Fu remains hungry,

he will not eat any food unless the chickens are healthy.

Pray, O world for the chickens and master Fu,

that the world is free from chicken bird Flu!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

going round and round!

Me master Fu is going round and round in this one world to know all and every body and also where and how peoples lives and also how they talks and what the language they speaks. Me went from England where me stays these days after descendind down the peaky snowy hills of Antarctica to America on mine first stopsover. Firstly me checked if they were all of them good in english and to mine satisfactation most of thems were, as most of them were readings and also learnings from my blog the use of good english and also whereall i went to all the nice and bright states of New York, LA, California, Texas, Kansas and so on and on, me finds that all of them Americans knowing me wells and also respecting me The great one master Fu for teaching thems all Good english. Me noted one thing that dismaying my heart that the peoples of America most of thems were so mucher taller then me master Fu as they all eats well good and nice foodies. I master Fu not short because i not eating good foodies but because mine dear father and mother are also shorts in theirs heights but all of us's eating good and nice foodies like Americans peoples. They American peoples were also listen to rocky and jazzy music all of the times makings my ears go all tingly, but me master Fu dont ever minds as me also likes all good musics. Now from there me wents to the place from wheres come the Arabian nights stories which peoples call the UAE. There, me God, me saw tall tall peoples all arounds me wearings robes and all and the ladies also wearings the same but littler different robes and also wearings lots of them Gems and Golds too. Master Fu is so lucky mans to be famous here also as they too people having reading and learning good english from my blog so they all respecting and loving me. They UAE peoples also loving and playing music which also in turn tingling mine ears but me also likings their musics as Americas and also eating good and nice foodies like thems. Now me wents to Asia where comes China, India, Korea, Japan and on and on. One by one master Fu wents to all such countries and by surprise seeing so many of thems different kinds of peoples, some shorts like me's, some of them mediums and some of thems talls, some darkest in colors of they's skins, some mediums in colors and somes of thems very fairer in the colors, thanks to God them all of them mostly speaking good english side by sides speakings theirs own one languages and thanks me master Fu too for their good english as mostly all and everyone reading and learning from mine blog. They all of thems also listening to good musics which in turn again tinglings my ears but me never minding as me also now liking music from all and everywhere. Now after all the travellings me has came to this one conclusions that peoples from all arounds the world have their heights and colors and fats and thins not due to goods or bads foodies eating but because of theirs countries in where they lives due to geographicaly differentiate thingies and also differently weathers of them all places. And mostly most importants of the thingies is that, that Master Fu teaches thems all good englishes. Byes for nows. Sees you alls soon enoughs.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Da Vinci Code filmy thingies and all!

Me is waiting days and also nights too that when will good peoples writing comments on mine good one english blog in dozens and also tons? But mine good thing is that master Fu does not ever never minds the little lazinesses of peoples but always lookings forwards to good times with optism aheads in the future time for getting commentations. Yesterdays master Fu was boreded and in the boredment went to seeing this good film 'Da Vinci Code' which also all and everyone must be able to see. Mister Tom Hanks the player of the role of one mister Robert Langdon looking all sleepy all of the times as if with the drinking of lots n lots mugs of the Beer. The only one looking all alerts all the times being Silas the hooded monk whose eyes ever poppings out in dismaydom and Sophie also lookings alerted all the times due to peoples trying to kill her and hers already deads grandfather and also mister Lee Teabing lookings the alertest of them most acting bestest walking fastest with four of them legs two of them all steely. mister Robert langdon over actings all the time of being insides the well because of when he was been thrown insides the well or maybe not throwns in but jumpings in the well all by himselves as a small babies. Mine master Fu's and mister Lee Teabing hearts all breakings when the little cryptex in the little box froms the swizz banks breaks open and the vinegar that is put in chinese foods pops outs on the floors so does our tears from ours bright eyes. But mister Robert Langdon was verys smart for once in the films when he take outs the scrolling little paper before mister Lee Teabing saws it. Me, therefores tell all and every ones to sees and saws the good film' Da Vinci Code'.

Friday, June 16, 2006

If one thinking hard what master fu looks like then ones heads can get tiring. To not to tiring your heads any furthers me master fu is bringing forth to your lovely beady, small, medium, big and bigger eyes what me resembles the most. It is the one photograph that one and you sees in mine of this posting when me is a small babie without mine Eskimo dresses. To keep me younger master fu warm from these bad cooler winds of the snowy peaky hills of antarctica where me stayed as a babie, mine granny made me a greeny colored jumper which keep me warmy and snuggy as you when you and all were also a babies in your youngful days. As one seeing that mine hair so beautiful in copper- brown coloration and mine eyes so bigger than beady. Mine forehead so big one because of my genius of mine mind. Also you and all can see saw mine bigger open mouth thinking why is that so? I tell you that so is because not that my granny giving me banana to eat but mine first english word coming out of mine mouth: " Aawwa" which meaning "God save the good world from bad english". So, here me is in this world to put right good english in all and every ones. Amen.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Omen filmy thingies.

Me, myself and master Fu again at your servicing for the goodness sake of the goodest english language. After tolding you such many good moral stories and gooder use of english and also the serious businessing of englishing grammer, now master Fu is tiring and so in today me is going to talked up with you on some thingies here and there also. But it is not the sunday also today that one is and you is relaxationing and not lifting fingers here and there to works, so me master Fu will also be tolding you some bit english along with some bit thingies here and there also. Now tell me have one saw the film that is horrored and have this name of Omen 2, the one which is released this year on 2006? Now what is so horror-ofying about the Omen 2? Nothing to me! The one blue one eyed boy Damien is looked dumbed and looking as one has waked up in morning all the times in the Omen 2 and the one Nanny of the Damien looking dumbest. The priest looking funny. The parents of the Damien boy looking as if not liking the Damien boy from one to last of the film but wanting some maybe dollars for being mother and father to Damien boy in film. The one blacky doggy look exact to exact like my doberman doggy 'Kaptain' the one me had in the snowy peaky hill where me staying when before coming to bleaky plains this side. Blacy doggy not afraiding me either. The fun thingy that boy Damien not killing no one but all killing one and then another. And lastly God me, what the boy doing with presidency in the end holding one hand? This one film Omen 2 is muddling one head of mine of master Fu.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Past present and future tenses-- grammertical educations

Today me is teaching the things is english grammers for exampelary -- Past, present and also future tenses. Now what we means by past? You racking yours brain and not knowing? So what is master Fu for in this good world fors? Me will teach you all of them and you what 'past' meaning. Now let mine brain give you one extraordinary exampled explanation: When in yesterday morning many of you all (not so good in the english ones people) went inside the bathrooms/toilets to done a lots of ordinary but useful thingies for the maintaining of day to days life chores, you and all mustened have brushened your tooths which were not so not very clean because of bacteriums. So it will means that when brushening your tooths yesterday it was "past" tense. Like the same wise if brushening yours tooths the very today morning in the same to same bathrooms/toilets doing other thingies also side by sides then it will be going to becomes in definity "present" tense. And if tomorrows again doing tooths brushenings in the again same to sames bathrooms/toilets side by side doing other chores as well as before then the brushening of tooths tomorrows will be in definite "future" tense. By the ends of mine todays lesson all of yous and thems mustened have had learned the grammer of language of englishes well and by hearts. Well today is byes for you alls by master Fu and meeting you again tomorrow with some other english thingies.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

This time it is me yet again that is Master Fu the great for you at yours servicing for the sakes of good one english that is so much sadly missing from this world for God only knows what reason. Now that Dear God has so greatfully and beneficially sent me to ours mothers earth that i will not ever never leave this opportunity to bless this our earth with my profoundly goodsome and also honoursome english. Now the things is for you nice people to read my postings all of them again and then again to improving your bad english to good english that you is able to conversable with the one who is of good english for examples ME. Then when you will do it again and agains then a good times will come that the whole of the lovelysome mother earth is filling up with the likesome people of goodsome english. By this way the word "badsome english" will be banish from our Blessed earth and people will be happy, happier and then the happiest bringing forth joys and joyfulness to all sides.

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