Giggle on Mister Obama!

Nobody is born with good english in their own blood. It is upto people like me who are the best in English to bring forwards the goods of english to them people like you are to preach the best of language english to the great and attractive benefit for human kinds and also to tell side by side good character stories binded with the good use of english. So, people enjoy all these benefits while learning the cudgels of good english.
A School Master from a remote rural area in Bihar (India) was transferred to a new School in Mumbai (India).
How much master Fu loved chicken
Rosted, broasted or just plain fried on a pan in the Kitchen.
Me would eat the chicken day and night,
whether it be breakfast, lunch or to Dine.
Then one fine day the chickens of the world decide,
that no more would master Fu or the world could have their meats slice.
So they all of them sat in big buckets of ice,
and soon enough they caught Flu, running nosies & tears running from their eyes.
Now master Fu remains hungry,
he will not eat any food unless the chickens are healthy.
Pray, O world for the chickens and master Fu,
that the world is free from chicken bird Flu!
Today me is teaching the things is english grammers for exampelary -- Past, present and also future tenses. Now what we means by past? You racking yours brain and not knowing? So what is master Fu for in this good world fors? Me will teach you all of them and you what 'past' meaning. Now let mine brain give you one extraordinary exampled explanation: When in yesterday morning many of you all (not so good in the english ones people) went inside the bathrooms/toilets to done a lots of ordinary but useful thingies for the maintaining of day to days life chores, you and all mustened have brushened your tooths which were not so not very clean because of bacteriums. So it will means that when brushening your tooths yesterday it was "past" tense. Like the same wise if brushening yours tooths the very today morning in the same to same bathrooms/toilets doing other thingies also side by sides then it will be going to becomes in definity "present" tense. And if tomorrows again doing tooths brushenings in the again same to sames bathrooms/toilets side by side doing other chores as well as before then the brushening of tooths tomorrows will be in definite "future" tense. By the ends of mine todays lesson all of yous and thems mustened have had learned the grammer of language of englishes well and by hearts. Well today is byes for you alls by master Fu and meeting you again tomorrow with some other english thingies.
This time it is me yet again that is Master Fu the great for you at yours servicing for the sakes of good one english that is so much sadly missing from this world for God only knows what reason. Now that Dear God has so greatfully and beneficially sent me to ours mothers earth that i will not ever never leave this opportunity to bless this our earth with my profoundly goodsome and also honoursome english. Now the things is for you nice people to read my postings all of them again and then again to improving your bad english to good english that you is able to conversable with the one who is of good english for examples ME. Then when you will do it again and agains then a good times will come that the whole of the lovelysome mother earth is filling up with the likesome people of goodsome english. By this way the word "badsome english" will be banish from our Blessed earth and people will be happy, happier and then the happiest bringing forth joys and joyfulness to all sides.
When me is thinking days and also nights that why not in the world these Blogger Peoples who are the big one bosses of the nevers evers put mine goodsome blog on them lists of "Blogs of Note" ? It breakings my hearts no ends when me is so fame in the world so good writings and them so many of them visitors coming and going out of mine blog all of the time then is it not obligations of them bosses of www.blogspot.coms to put my blog up nice and lovely for everyones big and small and medium eyes to see? When me is only servicing humanities of kinds all that more of them people around see mine blog and read stories of good morals and good english too, ain't it? So now it is the only duties of the good peoples who are all the times visitings my Blog that them tell their all friends and foes to reads my blog and makes this world wheres all peoples can learn good english and side by side read good morals stories too.
That is The greater most Master fu and Pupil Fum the the greater little pupil that me could get. Me and mine pupil Fum had blissfulled lifes on the sacred mosted snowy peaking hills of the niceful Antartica eating so many and many more Reindeer's and them fishes to our heartfull contentment, before as me had telled you all of them earlier that Dearmost God has commanded me and me family of two more humans to descend the peaky snowy hills distressedfully to this warmed up bleaky side of this earth. Now that me is here at thou's servicing, i will once ever again tells you a good moral story with the usage of properly good english : Two of them what is called ants were walking in the side of a tree branch, when one of them clumsy ant falls on the big blackenning and greying back of an big elephant stooding under the tree, so the the ant not so clumsy one which still clinging to the tree branch side called with aloud voice fulled with the anger, "My clumsy friend you ant, crush the elephant" So then the moral of the story in above is that they ants are littlesome creatured people with thoses more littlesome legs, so how in the power of God will ever they smaller ones ants can crush those ones bigsome elephants?
Dear mister. Fred,
See all that i am back again in today that things are in all about to shine with affection and smile with definity all over the bright and wisdomful world at large and short of it. Today with every things bright and beautiful your master Fu is back before you and at your servitude. Amen. So let us begin with solidity and solidarity todays lesson within a sensible frame of mind and attitude-nal clarity. Lessons of todays encompasses along with the goodest use of english, a story of goodest morality not to confuse with mortality. So, let us start with a definite push: "One fine spring filled day there were two house-flies coming out of a picture hall after watchful seeing a good moral film. The process of which made their film watching a tiring and weakful experience. So, the elder one of the sweet two flies asked the smaller one of the two flies that would you rather go home walking and talking or shall we hire a dog? "
Like that bone is to marrow, bladder is to water, eyesockets is to eyeballs, etc. and also etc., the same way is my blog to your everyone's goodness fitted comments. God forbid that the great master that i am of english that in these ever waiting times of always looking forward and never backwards to your comments that my eyeballs turn into stones and then what i see is darkness all around ever and ever for the very beautiful language of english all around the world which shall be shameful for the cause of teaching the best english. So, you shall not lost any time and post your comments in whatever form of english you must know and not be shy of doing this honourable work so that in turn my eyeballs are not turning into stones but gooey with tears of joy and honour. Master fu, that is i is always there to you to make atrandon and to the mark corrections to the english you write gallantfully in the again form of comments. I will in all persuation hide your faults from the big wide world of web like a true mother and a father does to its children.
There are wondering people and some of them not so wondering, about their master that is i that who am i and what do i come from. Before joining the learning process is it then not a must to know all things great and small of the wonderful master that i am of the english? Like, where does me come from and where does i go? To be utmost honest God has been too kind enough to grant me the epitome power of english that a man from England will not achieve even then born to a country by english name of england.
We begin with the profound and the simple way of learning english as english is. To begin with it again the language english is composed of visibly two legs, if you know about the two legs then you know it all. One leg consists of the big one letters and the other leg consist of the smaller one letters. If you know this much then the world of english lies at your humble feet. The big letters are written when the matter to be written is of grave consequence and the sweet smaller ones are to be written when the issue thereof has poor little consequence. I, as the genius of english have no masters or bachelors of it but the mere beauty of what i have to write and say brings tears treading down the eye balls and henceforth to the cheeks of my very dearly family members and friends alike which in turn bring the same amount and type of the tears to my own eyeballs and cheeks alike. So you will have to trust me folks for the teaching of the finer aspects of english and trust your growing up children under my umbrella of knowledge of english.
I teaching all great ones and small ones the goods and bads of english and allied services the talent of which of mine will reach afar and anear in all the sides of the round world, the best of which will come in leaps and bounds in posting after posting for which encouragment in the term of comments will be drastic for my upcoming confidence. With english by the grace of you folks i shall be allowing my mind which is genius in terms of topics hithering from good behavior, dental higene etc., etc.,thithering to mental health and higene with non stop bowel movement, the source of energy for living a good life on mother earth.